I'm going to put a small post out there, just to let everyone know that we are, in fact, alive, and reasonably well. It may be a few more days before I get to rehash our trip to Ireland - but I can tell you all about our lives since we got back to the States.
We arrived in the US relatively unscathed this past Thursday. We hung out with family for the remainder of the day, and checked into the hotel. The time change being what it is, we were all awake at around 2 am the next morning (local time). We have gotten better at this, and I think the kids have probably adjusted, but I personally still don't think I've gotten a solid night's sleep since arriving.
The following week was a blur of boxes, unpacking and trying to figure out which end was up. We started unloading our stored stuff on Friday, and more or less spent the day pulling out things, buying necessities (such as mattresses), and trying to get our utilities and whatnot sorted. Saturday was more of the same. After a break on Sunday, when we went to church and hung out with family some more, the following week was basically all boxes and unpacking. I will say that it has been an interesting journey so far, discovering what we packed two years ago, much of which we have now decided never needed to be packed in the first place.
Our shipment from England arrived on Wednesday, which only added to the mass of box hysteria present at the house. The kids started school on Tuesday, and we were supposed to get phone service/internet on Wednesday as well, although things being what they are, it didn't actually get switched on until last night, which I hope will provide some modicum of explanation as to why I have been so silent. We've basically been out of contact with the outside world since about Monday/Tuesday of last week.
I started work yesterday, and still feel a bit out of things, but am hoping that the week will allow me time to settle in properly. We also experienced our first tornado warning in two years on Sunday, followed by heavy thunderstorms last night, which led to an adventure in and of itself. As I was about to get the kids ready for bed, I headed to the garage, for what, I can't remember. However, when I opened the door, I saw a giant pool of water lying there. Since I remembered that this means that water has usually congregated outside the garage, I opened the garage door and stepped outside into about 2 - 3 inches of water. So, for a good thirty minutes, I and my two intrepid children worked on bailing water away from the house and sweeping the water out of the garage - all in a good night's fun, I suppose. Dalton was particularly excited about the whole thing, and even rushed down this morning to see if the rest of the water had drained off.
Anyway, now that we are back up and running, I'll try to back up and tell the tale of our Ireland trip in the next few days, and to get back to posting a bit more regularly at any rate.
What, nobody comments now that y'all are home?
Impressive, still blogging from the dark and rainy shores of ...Alabama! I know I haven't checked in for a long while, but we were in a bit of a tunnel ourselves after Brad's surgery, and I also took time off school, which meant less time on the computer. Which leads to an unfortunate lack of surfing my favorite blogs. Of which yours is one, I mean, I may be biased, but you have really kept up a great blog, highly entertaining both visually and written-word-wise.
So Welcome Back! I hope to visit with Brad soon, although I don't actually know if it's in the cards for this year, but he needs to meet you all! Mom says everyone looks great, and I look forward to our next family gathering. Love to you all, Aunt Mary
Hi Mary! It's good to hear from you again - we've actually been discussing coming out your way at some point. All our international flights have given us enough miles that we can fly anywhere in the States, and thought that northwest US might be a good place to go - although probably not until next year at any rate.
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