Tuesday, May 27, 2008

30 Things I Will Never Forget

This kind of goes with the post that J. made this weekend. I just had to do my photo post over the weekend so J. could be there in case I had problems. Good thing too, because I had the hardest time getting those photos to line up the right way. So, here we go....30 things I will never forget.

1. Being in 7th grade and running from the school lunchroom to the main building because a tornado was coming.
2. Waking up in an ambulance after my “friend” tried to kill me.
3. Opening night of the Galleria 10 Cinemas, my job for 5 years.
4. The day Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles came out and the mad rush it caused at the cinema.
5. Graduating from high school.
6. Graduating from college. I’m sure no one else will forget it either because it was 80 degrees and we were on the President’s lawn in the sun.
7. Seeing U2 walk on stage for my first time. March 5, 1992, The Omni, Atlanta.
8. To go with that, seeing U2 in their hometown of Dublin, Ireland.
9. And to go with that, the moment that I was talking to my friend, Tracy, on the phone and she came back from another call to announce, “We’re going to Dublin.” Probably a moment my mom will never forget either because she had to run back to my room to see what all the screaming and crying about.
10. Meeting J.’s parents for the first time.
11. The first time J. kissed me (the night of his high school prom).
12. The first time J. told me, “I love you.” (After the U2 concert on September 25, 1992. And I still find this amusing because I had just hyperventilated because Bono sang “Unchained Melody.”)
13. When J. proposed to me and I thought he was about to break up with me.
14. Standing next to J. at our wedding.
15. Arriving at our “honeymoon suite” to find it had 2 twin beds.
16. The day we found out I was pregnant with Dalton. I think I took 4 pregnancy tests to make sure.
17. The day we told my parents I was pregnant.
18. The day we told J.’s family, particularly his grandmother, I was pregnant. She had just buried her father that day and I will never forget the neck-hold hug she gave me when we announced it.
19. The day my dad almost died.
20. Finding out my dad had lung cancer.
21. The day I saw an “In Memory of” announcement in the paper for my best friend from elementary school.
22. The day one of my favorite singers, Michael Hutchence, died.
23. The birth of Dalton.
24. Seeing that Maggie was born at 4:56pm, the exact same time as Dalton.
25. Seeing the World Trade Center attacked by terrorists.
26. Seeing Dalton’s face when he met Buzz Lightyear at Disneyworld.
27. Seeing Maggie run up to Sleeping Beauty and give her a hug at Disneyworld.
28. Flying into Dublin for the first time. Not only my first international flight, but my very first flying experience. Flying over all of the green fields was just amazing to me.
29. The night I had made a pasta dish for dinner and after dinner we had decided to run to the bookstore, leaving the leftovers and dishes to be done when we returned. Upon coming home, we found Chloe (our cat) pot-bellied because she had decided to eat about half of the left-over pasta.
30. The day I left Alabama to move to England for 2 years.

1 comment:

Mike Baswell said...

l'll never forget your number 6 either. That was during my 'wild' period, which I tried to keep hidden, and I was extremely hung-over and sweating it all out that day. Thank goodness I'm a much tamer person now. LOL